sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Top 10: Best TV shows of the 2010's

Even halfway through the decade we had already seen some incredible television. So, today we are counting down our picks for the top 10 best TV shows of the first half of the 2010’s.

10. The Big Bang Theory (2007- )

You don’t have to be a nerd to enjoy this sitcom, but it probably helps. It centres on four geeky socially awkward scientists and their relationship with Penny, the gorgeous waitress who lives across the hall from two of them.
Enjoying high rating since its debut, The Big Bang Theory is a syndication darling whose success has only increased with time.

The show’s clever references to science and Sci-Fi are hilarious and make the series unique, and the excellent cast chemistry of some of the actors and killer cameos hold it all together.

9. Sherlock (2010- )

This BBC series proves that even though the books that inspired this detective show were written over a hundred years ago, the stories still resonate in a modern setting. The British crime drama brings Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock and his crime-solving adventures with his sidekick Watson into the 21st century, and the results are thrilling.

The intricate mysteries are fascinating to watch being unravelled, and we cannot get enough of Benedict Cumberbatch’s star-making performance as the titular investigator.

8. Community (2009- )

Though this cult comedy is constantly on the verge of extinction, you would not know it from how hilarious and witty it is. The Dan Harmon show intersperses metahumour and Pop-culture references into its depiction of students at a Colorado Community College, making it feel unlike any series we have seen.

7. House of Cards (2013- )

This political drama is notable for being the first big original series on Netflix, but it would have merited a spot on our list regardless of how it had been distributed. A strong supporting cast has helped the show have award nominations aplenty, including a Golden Globe for Robin Wright, but Kevin Spacey gives an unforgettable turn as Frank Underwood, a ruthless Democrat politician who is willing to do anything for power.

6. Modern Family (2009- )

Families in the 21st century look very different than they once did and true to its name, this sitcom memorably portrays contemporary clans.

Its mockumentary style is the perfect form for depicting the lives of three related families in suburban LA. The ensemble cast is outstanding from top to bottom. Their witty banter is just as entertaining as it is insightful and ensures the show grabbed tons of awards, critical acclaim and viewers galore.

5. Boardwalk Empire (2010- )

Earning 18 prime-time Emmy nominations in its first season alone, this HBO show has received widespread critical acclaim.

After years as a supporting actor Steve Buscemi finally got a starring role as Nucky Thompson, a corrupt politician who collude with mobsters and others, in the interest of acquiring power. The gorgeous period set design is the perfect backdrop for the compelling interactions between him and the rest of the stellar cast.

4. Mad Men (2007-2015)

This was the first series after AMC’s formatting chance to prove the channel knew how to do original content. A romantic period drama about people who work in advertising, it is the most fun you will ever have in a history lesson, and the beautiful costumes bring the 1960’s setting to life.

3. The Walking Dead (2010- )

Those zombie’s stories have been told many times, though this series manages to provide a fresh take on the genre, another success for AMC, The Walking Dead is as popular with critics as it is in the ratings.
Adapted from Robert Kirkman’s comic book series of the same name, the show depicts the lives of a group of survivors of a zombie apocalypse, led by the courageous sheriff’s deputy Rick Grimes. Their struggles to cooperate make up much of the drama, but it is the impressively gruesome zombie action that really gets us.

2. Game of Thrones (2011- )

The sheer scale of this fantasy adaptation would be enough for it to make our list, but its unpredictable plot twists and compelling characters put it over the top.

Based on George R.R. Martin’s novel, this HBO drama set viewership records, won multiple awards and is consistently the most pirated show online. Whether it is the battles in The North or power struggles in King’s Landing, the show has a wealth of strong stories. Though we hate seeing our favourite characters dying, we know that equally awesome ones will take their place.

1. Breaking Bad (2008-2013)

Walter White is a school chemistry teacher who starts cooking meth with his former student, Jesse, to provide for his family after he is diagnosed with cancer. Bryan Cranston does an incredible job portraying both Walt’s tenderness and his ferocity, all that makes this the highest rated show ever, as well as an awards juggernaut whose finale did not disappoint.

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Top 10: Game of Thrones Characters

Based on George R.R. Martin’s novels, this HBO drama set viewership records, won multiple awards and is consistently the most pirated show online. Whether it is battles in The North or power struggles in King’s Landing, the show has a wealth of strong stories. That is why we have decided to bring you the Top 10 Game of Thrones characters.

10. Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish 

Perhaps the most devious and cunning man in Westeros, Littlefinger has his digits in every pocket and backroom dealing you could possibly imagine, in facto, he is likely behind even more than we know. Simultaneously the kingdom’s greatest pimp and an aide and advisor to practically the entire ruling class, it is fitting that he chose the mockingbird as his symbol, because he has little birdies everywhere whispering the city’s secrets to him. Weakened only by an undying love for Catelyn Stark and her daughter, this former Master of Coin is a formidable foe.
9. Brienne of Tarth

It takes incredible skill and force of will for a woman to be taken seriously as a warrior in the world of “Game of Thrones” and luckily for Brienne the Beauty (as she is sarcastically called) she possesses those attributes in spades.

8. Jaime Lannister

When we were first introduced to Jamie, we took him as a vain, arrogant egomaniac with a perverse family dynamic. What we didn’t realise, however, was how much charm the ‘Kingslayer’ held and how much we would fall in love with the man for his fair treatment of his brother, Tyrion. A fierce warrior who will never back away from a fight, Jaime seems only to be afraid of two things: his father and the legacy he has not left behind.

7. Sandor ‘The Hound’ Clegane

An absolute jerk and proud of it, there is no task too dark for the man known as ‘The Hound’ (at least that is what he would like to believe). In truth, he possesses a moral code all his own, and the deeds of the people he has spent years protecting, push him to abandon his position and the comfort it affords him for the uncertainty of the world outside the gates. Though we are fascinated by his backstory and how he earned his grisly facial scars, it is ultimately the awesome ways this adept warrior dispatches those foolish enough to cross him that earns our love and respect.

6. Cersei Lannister

Hated by many, feared by all, Cersei is the epitome of the mother bear. Equally defined by her love/hate relationship with her brothers, Cersei loves Jaime and hates Tyrion, which lies behind much of the strife that befalls her family. A woman who holds an incredible position of power, which she was given due to her last name and which she has kept due to force of will.

5. Joffrey Baratheon

The ultimate villain and a product of Cersei and Jamie’s incestuous relationship, Joffrey is a spoiled, vicious brat who finds entertainment and glee in the suffering of others. He is particularly partial to choosing a victim and repeatedly exposing him or her to every horrific whim that crosses his mind. Actually, there is no single character that has been more universally despised than the half-pint prince, but that is what makes him great. The fact that he can simply walk into a room and cause stomachs to turn in rage and disgust, means he is definitely onto something.

4. Jon Snow

His personal history may be under debate, but we can confirm that Jon Snow is one of the Game of Thrones’ most popular characters. Known as the bastard son of arguably the most honourable man ever to appear on the show, Jon is the character that makes us care about the Night’s Watch. The target of envy and disgust from some of the elders of his order, he is undoubtedly the future of the brotherhood.

3. Arya Stark 

Arya is the little badass who is impossible not to love. Ripped away from her family so she will survive, this untamed tomboy spends the bulk of her childhood running for her life and watching those she loves, whether friends or family, meet their doom. Arya uses the brutality on her life to fuel her inner strength to the point we come to believe she is truly going to kill all those names on her list.

2. Daenerys Targaryen 

Beginning the show under the thumb of the men around her, Dany has gone through one of the most striking characters transformations on the series, as she unleashed the warrior spirit within, after her marriage to Khal Drogo, becoming perhaps the most formidable leader in the world. Beloved by her supporters and feared by her enemies, she, her followers and her dragons cast a shadow over the Seven Kingdoms from halfway across the globe. Fully capable of decimating her enemies in vicious fashion, it is the Khaleesi’s attempts at graciousness and kindness that set her apart from the leaders around her.
1. Tyrion Lannister 

There was never any chance that the black sheep of the Lannister family could have been in any spot but the top one. Smart, funny and tenacious when the chips are down, Tyrion is a leader of men (who may have one or two vices). Unfortunately, he was born in a time where being a man of his size prevents him from getting the respect he clearly deserves. Known as the ‘Imp’ or the ‘Halfman’, what Tyrion lacks in size, he more than makes up for in intelligence, judgment and vision.

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Top 10: Curiosidades de Death Note

Death Note es una serie japonesa que ha dado lugar a un anime, un manga, tres películas live action y numerosos videojuegos, ya que ha tenido un gran revuelo mundial tanto así que se espera tener pronto la versión occidentalizada. Es así como ha logrado vender más de treinta millones de copias en Japón y la serie también fue nominada al premio American Anime Awards en el año 2007 en la categoría de mejor manga.

Es por esto que hemos querido presentar 10 curiosidades alrededor de esta serie que ha sido criticada y elogiada por muchos como uno de los mejores  anime de la historia.

        10. A pesar de que en un capítulo de la serie Ryuk afirma que es macho, los Shinigami no poseen sexo. 

  9. Algunos apartados de la historia hacen referencia a apartados bíblicos como por ejemplo: cuando L le lava los pies a Light así como Jesús a Judas antes de que lo traicionara; también la regla de escribir las causas de la muerte 6 minutos y 40 segundos después de escribir el nombre; en la Biblia 6 se refiere a los hombres ya que es el día en el que fueron creados y 40 significa a un periodo de tiempo que dura un viaje o castigo (40 días del diluvio, 40 días que Jesús estuvo en el desierto).

8.Los Shinigami son adictos a la primera cosa que comen en el mundo humano, esta es la razón por la que Ryuk es adicto a las manzanas y en el final de cada capítulo suena el mordisco de una manzana.

  7.Los nombres de Mello y Near fueron intercambiados por error al momento de ser publicado el manga.

 6Así no lo creas, el vestuario de Madona en el video “Jump” está inspirado en la ropa que usa Melo.

5. En algunos colegios de China, dado al fenómeno de “Death Note”, prohibieron leer el manga, debido a que varios estudiantes modificaron sus cuadernos, de forma similar a la Death Note, y escribían allí los nombres de compañeros y profesores.

4.    L padece síndrome de Asperger, que es un trastorno de autismo.

3.    La forma en la que se sienta L cuando está haciendo sus deducciones es la misma forma como se sentaba el escritor mientras escribía la historia, ya que este decía que en esta posición su capacidad de deducción aumentaba un 50%.

2.Las iniciales de los nombres indicaban quién era más inteligente que quien. Light, L, Mello y Near.  Pero como los nombres de Mello y Near se cambiaron por error, Near es más inteligente, pues se supone que él iba a ser Mello en primer lugar.
 Por el lado de Light y L, ambos empiezan por L, pero Light es llamado Kira, porque fue un poco más astuto, ya que al final logró matar a L. Por eso a Light sólo pudo ser vencido usando la inteligencia de L, M y N combinadas.

1.    Misa Amane se suicida al final de la serie, tras enterarse del destino de Light.